Frequency and Impact Analysis of a Proposed Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure at Extreme Temperatures

Ramesh Malla, Thomas Gionet
2011 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference   unpublished
This paper presents results from large deformation non-linear finite element frequency, static, and dynamic analyses of a proposed three-dimensional frame-membrane lunar habitat structure in presence of lunar temperature extremes. The prestressing effect from two causes are included in the analysis: one from applied internal pressurization load of one atmosphere and the other from the temperature differential caused by the extreme lunar diurnal temperature of -233°C (night) and +123°C (day)
more » ... ied outside the structure and room temperature (21°C) maintained inside the structure. The load for the dynamic analysis has been analytically determined by considering the impact of a moving projectile/debris hitting the mid-point of one of the outer chord frame members. Results from the study show that both the internal pressurization and the temperature differential affect the frequency and mode shape characteristics of the structure. The temperature differential caused by the lunar day causes small increases in the frequencies, whereas the lunar night temperature differential causes a large reduction in the frequencies. The static analysis results show that both pressurization and temperature differential give significant static displacements and stresses in the structure. The dynamic results due to the impact load show that the application of extreme daytime hot and night time cold lunar diurnal temperatures outside and room temperature inside the structure reduces the dynamic amplitude of the displacement and stress compared to the case with no temperature differential (room temperature inside as well as the structure).
doi:10.2514/6.2011-1998 fatcat:qyutlyy275awhmnfk5oea37kmq