The Long-Livers of the Russian Empire (1836–1914): Historical and Statistical Research. Part 4

2021 Bylye Gody  
An attempt has been made to conduct a comprehensive historical and statistical study of the longlivers of the Russian Empire in the period of 1836−1914. In this part of the work, the period of 1900−1914 is analyzed, at this time, the male and female population of the Orthodox faith was recorded. As materials, we used the reports of the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod on the spiritual department of the Orthodox faith for 1836−1914. The work is based on the basic principles of historicism,
more » ... istency and objectivity. The statistical method is of great importance in the work, which allowed us to analyze as fully as possible the available statistical data on mortality in the territory of the Russian Empire in the period of 1836−1914, as well as to reveal the important characteristic features. In conclusion, the authors state that the analysis of the statistical data for the dioceses made it possible to identify the territories where the maximum number of the long-livers was recorded for every thousand people among the dead. Thus, the most favorable territories were: the territory of the Caucasus (the Georgian exarchate, including the Vladikavkaz diocese, as well as the Astrakhan diocese); the territory of the Ukrainian dioceses (Tauride, Kherson) and the territory of the Asian part of Russia (the Far Eastern territoriesthe Blagoveshchensk diocese, in addition to the Omsk, Yenisei and Turkestan dioceses). Some other dioceses, for example, Tobolsk, Ufa and Samara, also had high rates. In general, we can say that these territories had a positive (climatic and geographic) effect on human life expectancy. Besides this, thanks to statistical data for the period from 1836 to 1914, the authors revealed that the maximum value of the long-livers among men was recorded in 1836 -808 people (the earliest of the analyzed reports), subsequently, the number of male centenarians steadily decreased and by 1874 reached its minimum -135 people. The minimum values for male long-livers were characteristic until 1881, after which a gradual increase began, which continued until the First World War (the maximum value among men in 1911 was 612 centenarians). The situation was similar for women in the period from 1850 to 1914. Thus, the trend of a decrease in the life expectancy of people in the world, in the Russian Empire, was not confirmed.
doi:10.13187/bg.2021.4.1762 fatcat:owu5e6njr5covlg7odvwpq3fky