Balanced scorecard as a component of effective corporate valuation
Система збалансованих показників як складова ефективної оцінки вартості підприємства]{Balanced scorecard as a component of effective corporate valuation} 123-128 Інтелектуальний капітал як чинник формування інноваційного потенціалу підприємства]{Intellectual capital as a factor of formation of enterprise's innovative potential} 129-133

V.I. Kutsyk, Lviv University of Trade and Economics, I.V. Petriv, Lviv University of Trade and Economics
2018 Herald of Lviv University of Trade and Economics. Economic sciences  
A key factor in the effective development of any business is to achieve all its strategic goals. To solve this problem it is proposed to use balanced scorecard (BSC) and build a strategic map of the enterprise. The necessity of introduction of the BSC and investigating its impact on corporate valuation is substantiated. The stages of introduction of BSC at the enterprise are formed. The main indicators are outlined on the example of the activity of PJSC "Karlsberg Ukraine" in accordance with
more » ... components of the BSC. The analysis of efficiency of PJSC "Karlsberg Ukraine" on the basis of BSC was conducted and the optimal strategy of development on the basis of received calculations was proposed.
doi:10.36477/2522-1205-2018-56-20 fatcat:qxmranq5izfgtgik5yhj4nyzkm