Pion parameters in nuclear medium from chiral perturbation theory and virial expansion

S. Mallik, Sourav Sarkar
2004 Physical Review C  
We consider two methods to find the effective parameters of the pion traversing a nuclear medium. One is the first order chiral perturbation theoretic evaluation of the pion pole contribution to the two-point function of the axial-vector current. The other is the exact, first order virial expansion of the pion self-energy. We find that, although the results of chiral perturbation theory are not valid at normal nuclear density, those from the virial expansion may be reliable at such density. The
more » ... latter predicts both the mass-shift and the in-medium decay width of the pion to be small, of about a few MeV.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.69.015204 fatcat:cchpv7htnfaifcatiok6vjjwfq