Selection of Optimum Thread Type in Implants to Achieve Optimal Biomechanical Properties by Using 3D Finite Element Method

Zeinab Arsalanloo, Reza Telchi, Kambiz Ghaemi Osgouie
2014 International Journal of Bioscience Biochemistry and Bioinformatics  
Using osseointegrated dental implants allows restoration of completely or partially edentulous patients and success of this technique is linked to the connection between living bone and surface of load-bearing artificial structure, generally titanium-based. Many factors affect load transfer at the bone implant interface such as the type of loading, material properties of the implant and prosthesis, implant geometry, surface structure, implant design quality and quantity of surrounding bone, and
more » ... nature of bone implant interface. The bone has the best resistance upon compressive loads, and lower resistance against tensile and shear loads. On the other hand, implants are subjected to various kinds of loads. Recently, to eliminate failures, caused by the threaded root-form implants have been introduced. In this paper, it is aimed to investigate how thread types can affect the amount, type of load and biomechanical responses induced in mandible/maxilla and implant-abutment complex by a finite element method. This problem signifies due to the usage of different kinds of thread forms made by different implant manufactures. Solid models have been developed for missing upper/lower lateral incisor dental position and 26 fixture models of 5-implant systems are made in to carry out analysis of lateral Incisor tooth of human by using FEA. The results of this paper will help in understanding the way in which stresses are distributed in dental structures. Consequently, static, dynamic and fatigue behaviors of implants are investigated. Index Terms-Dental implant, kinds of threads, kinds of loads, finite element method, lateral incisor position.
doi:10.7763/ijbbb.2014.v4.336 fatcat:o47vf2rpz5garnttbbd4jgyjua