Development Of Sugar Cookies With A Predisposition To Disrupt The Folate Cycle

Igor A. Nikitin, Sherzodkhon Mutallibzoda, Daria A. Velina, Natalia N. Lebedeva
2022 European Proceedings of Life Sciences   unpublished
A recipe and technology for the production of fortified biscuits have been developed for consumers with a predisposition to disruption of the folate cycle based on gene polymorphism rs1801133 MTHFR 677C> T, rs1805087 MTR 2756A> G, rs1801394 MTRR 66A> G. Enrichment of the product with active forms of vitamins B 6 , B 9 , B 12 (pyridoxine, methylfolate, methylcobalamin) made it possible to increase the biological value of the product. As a result of the research, a recipe and technology for the
more » ... oduction of enriched biscuits of increased biological value, enriched with active forms of vitamins B6, B9, B12 (pyridoxine, methylfolate, methylcobalamin) were developed. It has been proven that the active forms of vitamins are practically not destroyed during baking under the influence of high temperatures. The loss of vitamins was 33.6% for pyridoxine, 50% for methylfolate and 86.7% for methylcobalamin. These losses can be considered acceptable and the dosage of vitamins in the cookie recipe can be adjusted according to them. Due to the presence of active forms of B vitamins in cookies, this product can be recommended for use by people who have a predisposition to a violation of the folate cycle.
doi:10.15405/epls.22011.38 fatcat:pti2lq5mkjekhkpdgtxb677vbu