Opportunities for the development of drowning interventions in West Bengal, India: A review of policy and government programs [post]

2020 unpublished
Four million people living in the Indian Sundarbans region in the state of West Bengal face a particularly high risk of drowning due to rurality, presence of open water, lack of accessible health systems and poor infrastructure. Although the World Health Organization has identified a number of interventions that may prevent drowning in rural low-and middle-income country contexts, no drowning interventions are currently implemented in this region. Interventions that build on existing policy
more » ... ets or government programs are more likely to be sustainable and scalable. Methods: A detailed content review of national and state policy (West Bengal) was conducted to identify policy principles and/or specific government programs that may be leveraged for drowning interventions. The enablers and barriers of these programs as well as their implementation reach were assessed through a systematic literature review. Identified policies and programs were also assessed to understand how they catered for underserved groups and their implications for equity.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-15582/v1 fatcat:qrhg67gypfbztdi7vcm3tyuadi