Reaching for the Moon

Mark B. Allan, Anthony A. Korolis, Terri L. Griffith
2009 International Journal of Knowledge Management  
Transactive memory systems (TMS) support knowledge sharing and coordination in groups. TMS are enabled by the encoding, storage, retrieval, and communication of knowledge by domain experts-knowing who knows what. The NASA Ames Intelligent Robotics Group provides an example of how TMS theoretical boundaries are stretched in actual use. This group is characterized as being highly innovative as they routinely engage in field studies that are inherently difficult due to time and technology resource
more » ... constraints. We provide an expanded view of TMS that includes the technology support system available to this group, and possible further extensions to NASA's or other such dynamic groups' practice. [Article copies are available for purchase from]
doi:10.4018/jkm.2009040104 fatcat:kprj7q7imbg2xjei62yi3ixfle