Microscopic Description of Nuclear Quantum Phase Transitions

T. Nikšić, D. Vretenar, G. A. Lalazissis, P. Ring
2007 Physical Review Letters  
The relativistic mean-field framework, extended to include correlations related to restoration of broken symmetries and to fluctuations of the quadrupole deformation, is applied to a study of shape transitions in Nd isotopes. It is demonstrated that the microscopic self-consistent approach, based on global effective interactions, can describe not only general features of transitions between spherical and deformed nuclei, but also the singular properties of excitation spectra and transition
more » ... at the critical point of quantum shape phase transition.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.99.092502 pmid:17931001 fatcat:zcfgiu2z4zcg3hnoadheygk7sy