Hob mill for spline shaft, profiled by generating trajectories method. Graphical application in CATIA

Florin Susac, Virgil Gabriel Teodor, Nicuşor Baroiu, Nicolae Oancea, L. Slătineanu, G. Nagit, O. Dodun, V. Merticaru, M. Coteata, M.I. Ripanu, A.M. Mihalache, M. Boca (+4 others)
2017 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The hob mill is a cutting tool with a wide application for generation in machining of splined shafts. A method for profiling the hob mill for generation of square splines is presented in this paper. The analytical development was done based on a complementary theorem of surface enwrapping -the method of generating trajectories. A numerical application for a standardized spline shaft is presented. Based on the same theorem is presented a graphical application, developed in the CATIA design
more » ... nment, for profiling the hob mill which generated standardised square splines.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201711206008 fatcat:wtylx7qo65falnqylkesxlrv7u