Natural persistence of food- and waterborne viruses [chapter]

P. Vasickova, K. Kovarcik
2013 Viruses in Food and Water  
This chapter summarises data on the persistence of food-and waterborne viruses in the natural environment and discusses the different factors which can affect this persistence. Conventional and alternative methods by which persistence can be studied are described, and the natural factors infl uencing virus persistence outside the host organism are discussed. Available data concerning virus persistence in water, soil, on surfaces and in food products are reviewed. Key words: food and waterborne
more » ... iruses, methods for study of virus persistence, factors affecting virus persistence, water, soil, surfaces, food products. Norovirus, rotavirus Kingsley et al ., 2005 ; Caballero et al ., 2004 ss single-stranded; ds double-stranded; + positive sense. Source: Supplemented and adapted from Baert et al. (2009).
doi:10.1533/9780857098870.3.179 fatcat:nl375rp7kzd7nlsmjioq4qdv5e