3P-044 Novel channel of glutamine amidotransferase CAB for ammonia transport revealed by molecular dynamics simulations(The 46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)

Shigehide Kuroyanagi, Yohsuke Hagiwara, Masaru Tateno
2008 Seibutsu Butsuri  
TheBiophysicalSociety of Japan General IncorporatedAssociation other dmino aeidg and exatninLd the effeLt of nmtatio"s om the drug Tesistance of AciB [Metheds] We constructed AcrB mutamts that had replaLLd the bmding poLkLts phenyldlanme vvlth Ala ViLl Leu,Ile TYr Tlie expression of the muLant protein was detectLd by Wegtern blotting zvith an antt AcTB rabbit antibody The dTug resistanLL was evaluated with determimatian of the MICs (mmimiim mhibitory Loneentrauon) of various drugs[Regults and
more » ... nclusions]Ala 1lal LLu dnd Ile mutants ofAcrB Laused dragtiL decreaseb ofthe drug TesistanLL ln centrast the effect of the TYr mnration on the drug iesistanLe wds moderate These results suggest that the aromatic side chains of AcrB play an impertant role m substrates rLLognLtion
doi:10.2142/biophys.48.s134_3 fatcat:delgyccl3nfzdd3vovewqk6g3i