Diquark correlations from nucleon charge radii

Carl E. Carlson, Christopher D. Carone, Herry J. Kwee, Richard F. Lebed
2006 Physics Letters B  
We argue that precise measurements of charge and magnetic radii can meaningfully constrain diquark models of the nucleon. We construct properly symmetrized, nonrelativistic three-quark wave functions that interpolate between the limits of a pointlike diquark pair and no diquark correlation. We find that good fits to the data can be obtained for a wide range of diquark sizes, provided that the diquark wave functions are close to those that reduce to a purely scalar state in the pointlike limit.
more » ... modest improvement in the experimental uncertainties will render a fit to the charge radii a more telling diagnostic for the presence of spatially correlated quark pairs within the nucleon.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2006.02.050 fatcat:vpec65kocvgxrdqkvjxjhumnoa