Dissipative cosmological solutions

Luis P Chimento, Alejandro S Jakubi
1997 Classical and quantum gravity  
The exact general solution to the Einstein equations in a homogeneous Universe with a full causal viscous fluid source for the bulk viscosity index m=1/2 is found. We have investigated the asymptotic stability of Friedmann and de Sitter solutions, the former is stable for m> 1/2 and the latter for m< 1/2. The comparison with results of the truncated theory is made. For m=1/2, it was found that families of solutions with extrema no longer remain in the full case, and they are replaced by
more » ... ically Minkowski evolutions. These solutions are monotonic.
doi:10.1088/0264-9381/14/7/016 fatcat:z4uxdtvjfzeh3gdognvl3dy654