Extensions and Applications of Power-Type Aczél-Vasić-Pečarić's Inequalities

Kun Chen, Fei Yan, Hong-Ying Yue
2019 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
In this paper, we enrich and develop power-type Aczél-Vasić-Pečarić's inequalities. First of all, we give some new versions of theorems and corollaries about Aczél-Vasić-Pečarić's inequalities by quoting some lemmas. Moreover, in combination with Hölder's inequality, we give some applications of the new version of Aczél-Vasić-Pečarić's inequality and give its proof process.
doi:10.1155/2019/1323474 fatcat:wlr4h7qkyjedtpd4zaihdl6jca