Implementation of Pedestrian Dynamic

Purba Daru
2016 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Pattern generation is one of the ways to implement computer science in art. Many methods have been implemented. One of them is cellular automata. In a previous work, cellular automata (CA) has been used to create an image with stochastic and irregular pattern. There are problems in the performance of the method because the average number of the occupied cells is less than 50 percent. So, this method must be improved. In this research, the pedestrian dynamic concept is implemented into the
more » ... n generation process. This method is used so that there is a combination between stochastic and deterministic approaches in generating the pattern. This combination is the key element of the method. This proposed model has successfully produced irregular pattern image too. Based on quantitative test, the occupied cell ratio is still less than 50 percent but the proposed model can make a better distance between last position and starting point nodes of the pattern. When the number of agents is 75, the target to reach the occupied cells ratio by more than 75 percent is achieved.
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2016.070310 fatcat:6ftbvfnj6bgl7cs56snqa3umdu