1963 unpublished
V LEGAL NOTKI Tin* report was prepared as ar account of Gtvsmment Eponsored work. Neither the United States, 1107 the Commiisior., nw Any-person acting on bciwilf of tite CotnjTii»sion. '•'• • A. Makes »ay warranty or representation,»st j d r.f implnsd w ; .tn rcsp«ct to tite accarrcy, conipletene >s, or i'.seiu!n«:s» oi the information ctr.tain^d ia Shis report, or tijat the •;;* oi sr-} iniormation, app.--;ratu», mvtiiCMi, or prot--:;s* di*Clos«4 in this report rri*y not iniringe'
more » ... vatBiv owr'il riyhis. ^t «Bj j As«urr-e«> a«y liabihtins vith respect to the ase of, oioior da-.irfgea i«. SulU»:jg £rorr. the nee->f r any ljil'ons/.atiC'n, apparatus, method, or process difciosed irs iiiis report. •> -, -= As used in the above, "person acting" on behali u£ th« Cc-Tiroir-fi^u" includrs any employee or contractor of t\e Conimis&ian, cr e"jgplov«re of *uch contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor oi' this Commission, </t «mplo-/ee oi such contractor prepares, dissemrnates, or provsdis .'r^nia to, -aay informaticn nursuant to his empioyjnent°or cJmvait wi'h°th* C : vrrr,iu*ion, rr his ernployment witS such contractor. Printed in the United States cf Available from Cl<!trmglioii»a for Federal Scientific arid T«fhr.ic^1 MijawnMion National Bureau $f StaKdards. U, S. 0-spartment of Commerce "Spriiig/ield, Virginia "2?. 15! ° '{ Price: Printed Copy ^3.0C4 Microfiche §0.65
doi:10.2172/4645035 fatcat:gou6k3xv3ffrpgs4lf3ta5lfdq