The Nu Number Behavior on Micro-tube Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of Dielectric Fluid

Dorin Lelea, Adrian Cioabla, Ioan Laza, Liviu Mihon
2009 The Open Thermodynamics Journal  
The numerical modeling of the microchannel heat transfer and fluid flow was analyzed to estimate the thermal behavior of the dielectric fluids with emphasize on Nu number behavior. The geometry of a model is the same as in (Lelea et al., 2004) . The diameters of the tube were D i /D o =125.4/300 μm, the total length L=70 mm, Q=0.75 W and only a portion of the tube was heated. The laminar and stationary regime was considered with variable fluid properties. Besides, two different heat flux directions are considered: heating and cooling.
doi:10.2174/1874396x00903010038 fatcat:glz5bd3cera3baovqykia7czaq