Self-Disclosure as a Form of Personal Branding on Instagram Social Media Platform

Rahmadya Putra Nugraha S, Siti Komsiah
2022 Zenodo  
This study aims to find out the implementation of self-disclosure on Instagram as a form of personal branding among Radio Broadcasters as well as MCs involved as the members of the "Solo Raya MC" community. To be able to describe a form of self-disclosure in a person, the authors applied the Johari Window self-disclosure theory which classifies self-disclosure into 4 parts. Furthermore, the theory was linked with the concept of personal branding theory by McNally & Speak to be able to
more » ... the aspects of personal branding, namely the forms and assessment of the effectiveness of certain personal branding activity. The study data were collected through direct interviews and document studies, namely by conducting a study on the Instagram accounts of 3 informants involved. Based on the results of the study, it was found that self-disclosure was only focused on sharing information related to the profession. The informants didn't disclose personal issues considered unimportant to convey publicly via Instagram. Their personal branding was formed because they were consistent in making self-disclosures related to their profession that were packaged by highlighting their respective characters to be firmly embedded in the minds of other people or audience.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6935476 fatcat:onh5oc6ysracnc4a4h2f2et2pi