A Case of Intra-Uterine Polypus

1858 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
For two years past she has also seen before this eye a bright permanent sparkle, similar to that which she formerly saw, and now sees faintly in tho upper part of the field of vision of the right eye. To this permanent sparkle in the left eye, have been added luminous streaks in the same region for some eight months past. She now reads with this eye tho finest print, but the upper part of any large object at which she looks obliquely, is entirely invisible. Has frequently pain between and above
more » ... the eyes. Iris gray. Not strong, but in good health, except that she is subject to colds. Pulse 88 to 102. Examination with the Ophthalmoscope.-Right eye.-The retina quite pale. Tho bloodvessels barely, and the place of entrance of the optic nerve not at all discernible. A body of the size of a pin's head moves slowly over the retina, but is seen mostly on tho * right side. It is of a decided lead color, and pendant from it is a
doi:10.1056/nejm185810210591202 fatcat:sc3stp2ixjcxrhsfnq34vvirce