The Contagious Effect of Dialogism with New Technologies

Benzi Slakmon, Baruch B. Schwarz
2013 International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning  
Most of the CSCL tools have been studied in short term interactions. Argunaut encapsulates many layers of ideas about dialogue and bears potential for dialogic education. In this paper, the intermittent use of Argunaut over a yearlong philosophy course is described. We focus on the trajectories of participation of two students. Two discursive phenomena are discussed: the transformation of a student, as a consequence of participation in a different group discussion, into a carrier of discursive
more » ... orms previously unknown to its original peers; and the move into a multi-registered, double-voiced performance by another student. The role of the peers in these transformations is elaborated. The role of the tool Argunaut which was designed to support dialogic argumentation is also considered.
dblp:conf/cscl/SlakmonS13 fatcat:5onwnyiplrglhlceyp2vwvbtqa