A Randomized placebo controlled study to compare Propofol and Ondansetron for Control of Emetic Episodes during Caesarean Delivery under Spinal Anesthesia

Rajkumar Ahirwal, Yashwant Dhayjale
2016 Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia  
Caesarean deliveries done under spinal anesthesia are associated with higher incidence of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Aims and Objectives: Present study was performed to find the efficacy of subhypnotic dose of propofol compared to ondansetron and placebo in controlling nausea and vomiting during caesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia. Material and Methods: A randomized placebo controlled study was done on 90 parturient patients at GMC and Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal between May
more » ... 2013 and December 2013. All the study patients were randomly divided into three groups: Group I (Placebo treated), Group II (1 mg/kg/hr infusion of propofol) and Group III (4 mg of Ondansetron). Emetic episodes (nausea and vomiting) were evaluated using linear numerical scale ranging from 0 (No nausea and vomiting) to 2 (Vomiting). Results: In present study we found that on administration of study drugs incidence of PONV was low (13.33%) in propofol group as compared to ondansetron group (16.66%) (p >0.05). Incidence of PONV was significantly more in placebo treated group (53.33%). Conclusion: Propofol and ondansetron, both were highly effective as compared to placebo in preventing the emetic episodes during caesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia. Moreover subhypnotic dose of propofol was more effective than ondansetron in the prevention of PONV.
doi:10.5958/2394-4994.2016.00047.0 fatcat:ahs5p73rkrbmdkwadj3omyskka