Contrastive Analysis on Investment Ability of Sunshine Private Funds and Publicly Offered Funds Based on TM - FF4 Model

Yuanyuan Jiang
2016 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electronic, Mechanical, Information and Management Society   unpublished
This article mainly uses the TM -FF4 model to compare the stock selection ability and market-timing ability of sunshine private funds with that of publicly offered founds. In practical analysis of 58 founds in 2015, we use the method of the bootstrap and probability of success respectively as auxiliary inspection. The result shows that sunshine private funds managers' timing ability is only marginally better than publicly offered funds managers', but their stock selection ability is much lower than that of the publicly offered funds managers.
doi:10.2991/emim-16.2016.172 fatcat:tu6lcbslevf65gauhqwx2jzoju