Pedal Operated Green Coconut Trimming Machine for Vendors

Vivek B. Vaidya
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
In rural area of India it is not possible to trim the coconut by using motor operated machine due to lack of electric power. Trimming coconut by hand takes lots of efforts and skill. The motor operated coconut trimming machine is a machine design to trim coconut automatically. Generally, these machines are operated by electricity but pedal operated machine is human operated and totally eco-friendly. It can be used to save electricity and also use to trim coconut in a very attractive way. Aim of
more » ... the project is to fabricate such machine for green coconut vendors those are works in rural areas, which is pedal operated so they can easily trim the green coconut.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.3006 fatcat:vr47ewuq6nhnni2m723bl2742m