Predictive Modeling in Actinide Chemistry and Catalysis [report]

Ping Yang
2016 unpublished
Bonding can be quantified by optical probes and theory Electronic structures and reaction mechanisms of actinide complexes Magnetic resonance properties Transition metal catalysts with multi-nuclear centers NMR/EPR parameters Moving to more complex systems Surface chemistry of nanomaterials Interactions of ligands with nanoparticles Path forward and conclusions Outline Structures, bonding, and reactivity Bonding can be quantified by optical probes and theory Electronic structures and reaction
more » ... chanisms of actinide complexes Magnetic resonance properties Transition metal catalysts with multi-nuclear centers NMR/EPR parameters Moving to more complex systems Surface chemistry of nanomaterials Interactions of ligands with nanoparticles Path forward and conclusions
doi:10.2172/1334175 fatcat:qtl3q3gg3zb5zd52kmfzkuuave