Mathematical Analysis of Plant Disease Dispersion Model that Incorporates wind Strength and Insect Vector at Equilibrium

A Murwayi, T Onyango, B Owour
2017 British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science  
Numerous plant diseases caused by pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi protozoa and pathogenic nematodes are propagated through media such as water, wind and other intermediary carries called vectors, and are therefore referred to as vector borne plant diseases. Insect vector borne plant diseases are currently a major concern due to abundance of insects in the tropics which impacts negatively on food security, human health and world economies. Elimination or control of which can be achieved
more » ... hrough understanding the process of propagation via Mathematical modeling. However existing models are linear and rarely incorporates climate change parameters to improve on their accuracy. Yields of plants can reduce significantly if they are infected by vectors borne diseases whose vectors have very short life span without necessarily inducing death to plants. Despite this, there is no reliable developed mathematical model to describe such dynamics. This paper formulates and analyzes a dynamical nonlinear plant vector borne dispersion disease model Murwayi et al.; BJMCS, 22(5): 1-17, 2017; Article no.BJMCS.33991 2 that incorporates insect and plant population at equilibrium and wind as a parameter of climate change, to determine 0 R , local and global stability in addition to sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number 0 R . Original Research Article
doi:10.9734/bjmcs/2017/33991 fatcat:fssyhmlezvaa7gt7popenhjtee