Advancing Energy Justice as a Climate and Public Health Solution

Rachel McMonagle, Ivana Castellanos, Surili Sutaria Patel
2021 World Medical & Health Policy  
Energy justice is a climate and health issue. Energy systems contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and negative health outcomes from energy extraction to consumption. Just as climate change disproportionately affects certain populations, energy also is a health equity issue. The U.S. energy sector faces a critical challenge of energy access and affordability that limits communities' ability to achieve good health. As alternative energies become cost-competitive, there is a need to monitor,
more » ... uate, and support a transition to a healthier energy system. By pursuing energy justice as a priority, public health professionals can play a role in challenging health inequities, as well as mitigating the adverse health effects of climate change. Through a roundtable convening, public health leaders developed pathways for public health professionals to promote a just energy future. Considering public health upfront in energy system decision making may result in multidisciplinary thinking and solutions to improve health outcomes.
doi:10.1002/wmh3.420 fatcat:3s3oniw7lje7dpz5xek6z4opxq