Study on a Quality Evaluation Method for College English Classroom Teaching
Mao-hua Sun, Yuan-gang Li, Bing He
Future Internet
A quality evaluation method is an important means and the main basis on which to evaluate the college English classroom teaching quality of teachers. To overcome the one-sided subjectivity and resulting imprecision of the traditional classroom teaching quality evaluation method, a scientific and reasonable quality evaluation index system for college English classroom teaching is constructed. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the analytic hierarchy process method are combined to
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... se an improved multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for obtaining a new college English classroom teaching quality evaluation method. In the proposed method, according to the fuzzy characteristics of a college English classroom teaching quality evaluation, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to transform the qualitative evaluation indexes into limited quantitative evaluation indexes, then a judgment matrix is constructed to determine the weights among different levels by using the analytic hierarchy process method. Additionally, the college English classroom teaching quality is evaluated in detail. Finally, an actual case of college English classroom teaching is used to verify the effectiveness of the college English classroom teaching quality evaluation method. The results show that the proposed college English classroom teaching method can overcome the subjectivity and randomness shortcomings of the traditional classroom teaching quality evaluation methods, and improve the reliability, accuracy, and objectivity of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. It is an effective method to evaluate college English classroom teaching quality. Future Internet 2017, 9, 41 2 of 15 college English classroom teaching is comprehensively, reasonably, and effectively evaluated by using education science methods in order to give guidance, encouragement, and identification functions, and to construct an evaluation index system. It has positive significance to promote the teaching level of teachers and the teaching quality of schools. Abroad, college classroom teaching evaluation has been around for a hundred years, and the evaluation theory and methods are relatively perfect. Our country started classroom teaching evaluation in the middle of the 1980s. At present, there is abundant literature on classroom teaching evaluation. Sui [2] proposed a strategic study for the classroom monitoring of English language teaching. Li [3] utilized an uncertain linguistic weighted averaging operator to aggregate the uncertain linguistic information corresponding to each alternative and derive the overall value of the alternatives, which are ranked by using the formula of the degree of possibility for the comparison between two uncertain linguistic variables. Wu [4] defines a relative correlation degree to determine the ranking order of all alternatives by calculating the degree of grey correlation to both the positive-ideal solution and negative-ideal solution simultaneously. Zhu [5] proposed a quality evaluation system and evaluation methods for the teaching quality of college English. Pei [6] elaborated on some aspects of the instructional communication process and suggested ways in which teachers can establish and nurture both effective and affective communication relationships that maximize their students' opportunity to achieve the optimum of success under a multimedia environment. Luo [7] applied a comprehensive model of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)-DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis)-FCE (Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation) to evaluate college English teaching quality by using 15 indicators as the exemplified analysis. Sun [8] applied Moodle-based blended learning to college English teaching and conducted an experimental study of 90 non-English majors within one semester in order to explore the effectiveness of Moodle-based blended learning. Sun [9] proposed modern educational technology to aide college English teaching design. Hu [10] applied principal component analysis to determine the factors affecting the quality of English teaching, and then established a comprehensive evaluation system. Yu [11] proposed an English teachers' classroom teaching ability system based on expert systems and the natural language recognition technology of artificial intelligence. Hu [12] proposed an ELM (Extreme Learning Machine) English writing competence evaluation model to conduct the comprehensive evaluation of its users' writing competence. Ma and Shi [13] adopted the visual interactive concept map method in order to solve the problem of students' poor thinking in English writing. Hu [14] proposed a new teaching model for the improvement of students' autonomous learning ability by research and a survey on a teaching model of college English in the environment of computer networks. Wang [15] proposed a method for computer-aided college English translation teaching. Ma [16] proposed a complete English teaching system based on visual simulation technology to solve the problem of the low utilization efficiency of English teaching resources and students' learning quality. Zhang [17] explored the advantages and disadvantages of the college English teaching pattern based on the state quo and problems of Chinese college English teaching from the view of inter-cultural communications. Zhao et al. [18] designed and practiced college English teaching based on cross-cultural foreign language education theory, systemic education theory, and multimedia-assisted English teaching theory. Wang et al. [19] proposed a quality evaluation index system for the classroom teaching of English as a foreign language. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is a comprehensive evaluation method based on fuzzy mathematics. This method transforms qualitative evaluation into quantitative evaluation according to the membership degree theory of fuzzy mathematics. It has the characteristics of clear results and strong systematicness, and can solve fuzzy and difficult-to-quantify problems. Additionally, it is suitable for solving various non-determining problems. Xu et al. [20] developed a comprehensive evaluating method based on integrating the Delphi approach, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the gray interconnect degree, and fuzzy evaluation to evaluate accurately complex systems. Ma et al. [21] proposed a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to quantify trust along with a trust quantification algorithm. Li et al. [22] established a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation