Review on Block Based Approach for Unconstrained Face Identification

Shraddha Chauhan
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Many approaches to unconstrained face identification exploit small patches which are unaffected by distortions outside their locality. A larger area usually contains more discriminative information, but may be unidentifiable due to local appearance changes across its area, given limited training data. We propose a novel block-based approach, as a complement to existing patch-based approaches, to exploit the greater discriminative information in larger areas, while maintaining robustness to
more » ... ed training data. A testing block contains several neighboring patches, each of a small size. We identify the matching training block by jointly estimating all of the matching patches, as a means of reducing the uncertainty of each small matching patch with the addition of the neighboring patch information, without assuming additional training data.We further propose a multi-scale extension in which we carry out block-based matching at several block sizes, to combine complementary information across scales for further robustness. We have conducted face identification experiments using three datasets, the constrained Georgia Tech dataset to validate the new approach, and two unconstrained datasets, LFW and UFI, to evaluate its potential for improving robustness. The results show that the new approach is able to significantly improve over existing patch-based face identification approaches, in the presence of uncontrolled pose, expression, and lighting variations, using small training datasets. It is also shown that the new block-based scheme can be combined with existing approaches to further improve performance.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.5398 fatcat:7u55owli4fbb5e4cwf5thlw4nq