Fermion doubling and a natural solution of the strongCPproblem

Sanghyeon Chang, Jihn E. Kim
1994 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
We suggest the fermion doubling for all quarks and leptons. It is a generalization of the neutrino doubling of the seesaw mechanism. The new quarks and leptons are SU(2) singlets and carry the electromagnetic charges of their lighter counterparts. An SU(3) anomaly free global symmetry or a discrete symmetry can be introduced to restrict the Yukawa couplings. The form of mass matrix is belonging to that of Nelson and Barr even though our model does not belong to Barr's criterion. The weak CP
more » ... ation of the Kobayashi-Maskawa form is obtained through the spontaneous breaking of CP symmetry at high energy scale. The strong CP solution is through a specific form of the mass matrix. At low energy, the particle content is the same as in the standard model. For a model with a global symmetry, in addition there exists a massless majoron.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.50.2218 pmid:10017850 fatcat:vnuwj6rtyjbnzad7quzbfpumom