An approach to context in human-computer interaction

John H. Connolly, Alan Chamberlain, Iain W. Phillips
2008 Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies  
A comprehensive framework is presented for the analysis or description of context in relation to human-computer communication, in a manner that is also consistent with the contextual analysis of interpersonal communication among humans. Following a discussion of the nature of context, a hierarchically structured framework is proposed, which distinguishes between those contextual factors that are intrinsic to the communication process and those extrinsic factors that are classed as situational.
more » ... oth of these overall classes are subdivided into broader and narrower categories, and the situational context is additionally analyzed in terms of physical and socio-cultural factors. Cognitive aspects of context are also included within the treatment, while allowing for the di¤erences that exist between human and computerbased representations. Finally, the application of the framework to various aspects of human-computer communication is discussed, with a view to the resolution of attendant problems.
doi:10.1515/sem.2008.024 fatcat:qtpypdayjzepjcgcp6yw6kk3o4