Egg production on inclusion of black soybean in poultry layer ration

Jyoti Joshi, Anshu Rahal
2018 Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika  
Black Soybean is traditionally grown in hill area of Uttarakhand to meet protein requirement of local people. The seed coat is rich in anthocyanins and isoflavones. Due to presence of antinutritional factors, black soybean is not included in daily routine in poultry diet. In this study attempt was made to include black soybean after processing in poultry diet to study its impact on egg production. Hundred (20 weeks) poultry layers were selected and fed raw, germinated, roasted and cow urine
more » ... ted black soybean @0.2percentage in T2,T3 ,T4and T5 group while first group(T1) was taken as control for 12 weeks. Significant differences were observed in feed intake and egg production throughout the trial. It was concluded that processed black soybean @0.2percentage can be incorporated in poultry layer ration.
doi:10.18805/bkap81 fatcat:o2vor3pm6vfffpawnruhv2ho5y