Sea Transportation in Perspective of ship's Safety and passenger

Ahmad Fauzi
The implementation of ferry transportation must ensure the comfort, security and safety of passengers and goods. To ensure the safety of crossing transportation, several regulations are set. This situation forces shipping human resources, including port managers and ship operators, to constantly make adjustments. Although efforts to reduce the risk of accidents always have an impact on increasing costs. The large number of facilities and infrastructure operated to serve the above crossing
more » ... ties also shows the magnitude of the threat to shipping safety if these activities are not managed properly. Therefore, the research was conducted to describe the symptoms or phenomena related to the ferry operating at the Benteng and Larantuka ports, the productivity of the operating ferry transport, port human resources based on competency certificates, and ship safety certificates. The instrument used to collect data in this study was a non-test instrument in the form of an observation list. Based on the data, analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the capacity to transport passengers from and to the ports of Pamatata and Pemenang is declared sufficient. However, there is a shortage of carriage capacity at the port of Pamatata. the minimum number of human resources at the two ports that already have shipping education and training. Therefore, suggestions from researchers are needed to increase vehicle transport capacity, especially to increase the number of human resources who have Competency Certificates and require SAR, harbor and port training.
doi:10.36764/jc.v6i1.722 fatcat:6gvitwogcrh2vl7ngsuol3wz6i