Using the 4-S Framework to Guide Conversations With Patients About CRISPR

2019 The AMA Journal of Ethic  
As patients with genetic diseases seek to have healthy biologically connected children, they will undoubtedly turn to trusted health care professionals for guidance. "Doctor, should I enter a clinical trial to edit my embryos?" is likely to become a query posed by patients with genetic illnesses. Physicians need both empathic communication skills and a framework for responding to this question. Applying the 4-S framework to gene editing can guide clinicians' responses to patients' CRISPR
more » ... by facilitating discussion of (1) safety, (2) significance of harm to be averted, (3) impact on succeeding generations, and (4) social consequences.
doi:10.1001/amajethics.2019.1029 pmid:31876465 fatcat:5tjlawbakfhyrh4zgpzubbsdtq