Analysis of the x-ray spectra emitted by laser-produced plasma of highly ionized lanthanum and praseodymium in the 8.4 to 12.0 Å wavelength range

A Zigler, P Mandelbaum, J L Schwob, D Mitnik
1994 Physica Scripta  
A detailed analysis of the X-ray spectra emitted by laser produced plasma of lanthanum (8.5-12.5A) and praseodymium (8.4-11.3A) is given, using ab-initio calculations with the HULLAC relativistic code. Resonance 3d-nf (n = 4, 5, 6 ) and 3p-4s, 4d transitions of the La XXX and Pr XXXII Ni Ilike ions and neighbouring ionization states (La XXVIII to La XXXVI, Pr XXX to Pr XXXVI) have been identified. densitometer recording of a lanthanum spectrum emitted by a plasma obtained with a 3 J laser
more » ... Figure 2 shows a praseodymium spectrum Obtained from a laser pulse* 3* Theory The spectra were analyzed by comparison of ab-initio computed wavelengths and gf values to experimental wavelengths and intensities. The relativistic-parametric-potential
doi:10.1088/0031-8949/50/1/008 fatcat:jcpaqdstq5hdtfeivb5etwocf4