Thermally activated Hall creep of flux lines from a columnar defect

D. A. Gorokhov, G. Blatter
1998 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
We analyse the thermally activated depinning of an elastic string (line tension ϵ) governed by Hall dynamics from a columnar defect modelled as a cylindrical potential well of depth V_0 for the case of a small external force F. An effective 1D field Hamiltonian is derived in order to describe the 2D string motion. At high temperatures the decay rate is proportional to F^5/2T^-1/2 [F_0/F-U(F)/T ], with F_0 a constant of order of the critical force and U(F) ∼ (ϵ V_0)^1/2V_0/F the activation
more » ... . The results are applied to vortices pinned by columnar defects in superclean superconductors.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.57.3577 fatcat:mmkdrpte65czxgsdxvm22e2osi