The Provision of Banking Services in Latin America: Obstacles and Recommendations

Liliana Rojas-Suarez
2007 Social Science Research Network  
The depth of and access to financial services provided by banks throughout Latin America are extremely low in spite of its recognized importance for economic activity, employment and poverty alleviation. Low financial depth and access hurts the poor the most and is due to a variety of obstacles that are presented in this paper in four categories, along with recommendations to overcome them. The first category groups socio-economic obstacles that undercut the demand for financial services of
more » ... e segments of the population. The second category identifies problems in the operations of the banking sector that impedes the adequate provision of financial services to households and firms. The third category captures institutional deficiencies, with emphasis on the quality of the legal framework and the governability of the countries in the region. The fourth category identifies regulations that tend to distort the provision of banking services.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1003243 fatcat:gcwxytox3jfh7ld2p26sudlp4m