Comparison of Housing Construction Development in Selected Regions of Central Europe

Ján Dvorský, Zora Petráková, Ján Hollý
2017 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
In fast-growing countries, the economic growth, which came after the global financial crisis, ought to be manifested in the development of housing policy. The development of the region is directly related to the increase of the quality of living of its inhabitants. Housing construction and its relation with the availability of housing is a key issue for population overall. Comparison of its development in selected regions is important for experts in the field of construction, mayors of the
more » ... ns, the state, but especially for the inhabitants themselves. The aim of the article is to compare the number of new dwellings with building permits and completed dwellings with final building approval between selected regions by using a mathematical statistics method -"Analysis of variance ". The article also uses the tools of descriptive statistics such as a point graph, a graph of deviations from the average, basic statistical characteristics of mean and variability. Qualitative factors influencing the construction of flats as well as the causes of quantitative differences in the number of started apartments under construction and completed apartments in selected regions of Central Europe are the subjects of the article's conclusions.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/4/042052 fatcat:ahacozou5rbxjdsmfb5ymksgnu