Notes on the Herpetofauna of Hateruma Island, Ryukyu Archipelago

Hidetoshi OTA
1981 Japanese journal of herpetology  
Six species of reptiles and amphibians were collected on Hateruma Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, in March and in August 1981. They are: Microhyla ornata, Rana limnocharis, Hemidactylus frenatus, Eumeces stimpsoni, Scincella boettgeri, and Rhamphotyphlops braminus. Of these, the record of E. stimpsoni was the first one for this island. The specimens of this species, collected in March, included two yearlings both of which were already sexually mature.
doi:10.5358/hsj1972.9.2_54 fatcat:go5cf7zvkjgjlftasrhas2pznu