Reviews of Books
The Lancet
Diseases, including an Inquiry into the llodenf'preparingIoduretted Baths. Translated from the French of 1B1. Lugol, Physician to the 1-16pital St. Louis. By W. B. 0'SitauaHVESSY, M.D. With an Appendix by the Translator, containing numerous additional Cases, &c. &c. 8vo. pp.220. London. Ilighley. 1831. FEw works have appeared within late years on the Continent of Europe which have succeeded more completely in riveting the attention of French medical practitioners, than the three memoirs by M.
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... gol now translated into the English language. By M. Lugol the reputed anti-strumous virtues of iodine were first tested on a scale commensurate with the importance of the object, and la the spirit of research and undaunted perseverance which the difficulty of the investigation required. Fame here, as in many other cases, had supplied an antidote to a z ' destructive malady, but the mode of applying the remedy still remained a disappointing enigma, the solution of which happily seems at length to have been accomplished, if we are to credit the statements made by M. Lugol, and solemnly authenticated by MM. Magendie, Serres, and Dumeril, the commission appointed by the Institute of France to investigate the nature and extent of the successes in the treatment of scrofula which M. Lugol pretended to have achieved. In the analysis of the work we proceed to offer, these points will be sufficiently elucidated, and our readers enabled to estimate the motives which induced that eminent body to award lI. Lugol a munificent pecuniary recompense for his " prosecution of mquiries fraught with so much value to mankind."* Report by MM. Magendie and Durneril on M, Lngol's third uiemoir.