業務用ビルを対象とする液冷空調システムの開発 (第7報)ヒ-トポンプ熱源を利用するデシカント空調システムにおけるCOPの検討
Development of the Liquid Cooling Air-conditioning System for Commercial Buildings (Part7)COP in the Desiccant Air-conditioning System Utilizing Heat Source from Heat Pump

村上 栄造, 河野 仁志, 岩本 靜男, 趙 旺熙, 小金井 真, 松縄 堅, 加藤 信介
2013 Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
We estimated the performance of the desiccant air-conditioning system that utilizes low exergy, which can be collected through the heat pump for liquid cooling and a solar air heater unit, as heat source for the desiccant. Under the design condition for summer, when this system is introduced into a model office, our calculation showed 3.54 of system COP under 0 W/m 2 of insolation, which was more than twice the value of 1.67 based on the conventional system. Moreover, under 700 W/m 2 of insolation, calculated COP increased to 4.4.
doi:10.18948/shasetaikai.2013.3.0_41 fatcat:74eyk6yfjfcl5kpa3bzqmbumeq