The Evolution of American Educational Technology

Warren G. Roby
1992 IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies  
For many Educational Technology connotes machine-mediated instruction. Paul Saettler of California State University, Sacramento begins his book by demonstrating that in its root sense, technology more properly refers to the systematic application of knowledge to human activity. He stresses that machines are not essential to this process. He is by no means the first to call for a return to the etymological meaning of technology. In his first chapter Saettler summarizes the unsuccessful attempts
more » ... y the oldest and largest professional group in the field, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) toestablish the definition of Educational Technology as the systematic design of instruction. Saettler laments the failure of this
doi:10.17161/iallt.v25i1.9454 fatcat:esotjabubndcboecl36zamfmvi