Finite-Time Observer Based Cooperative Tracking Control of Networked Lagrange Systems

Gang Chen, Qing Lin
2014 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
This paper investigates the cooperative tracking control problem for networked uncertain Lagrange systems with a leader-follower structure on digraphs. Since the leader's information is only available to a portion of the followers, finite-time observers are designed to estimate the leader's velocity. Based on the estimated velocity information and the universal approximation ability of fuzzy logic systems, a distributed adaptive fuzzy tracking control protocol is first proposed for the
more » ... e Lagrange systems. Then, the actuator faults are considered and a distributed fault-tolerant controller is presented. Based on graph theory and Lyapunov theory, the convergence analyses for the proposed algorithms are provided. The development in this paper is suitable for the general directed communication topology. Numerical simulation results are presented to show the closed-loop performance of the proposed control law and illustrate its robustness to actuator faults and external disturbances.
doi:10.1155/2014/135690 fatcat:a4fms25byrfldl5nf4lnmhnp6u