On the Sanskrit Manuscripts of Arthaviniścayasūtranibandhana

Toshio Horiuchi
On the Sanskrit Manuscripts of Arthaviniścayasūtranibandhana HORIUCHI Toshio Introduction The Arthaviniścayasūtranibandhana (AVSN) is a commentary on the Arthaviniścayasūtra (AVS), written by Vīryaśrīdatta (8 th century, Nālandā), which belongs to the Abhidharma literature and survives in original Sanskrit. The first and only edition of AVSN based on manuscripts is Samtani 1971 (St). Although emendations of the edition had been proposed, 1) by consulting Sanskrit manuscripts of the AVSN myself,
more » ... I noticed that much more emendations should be done. In this essay, therefore, I would like to recount some basic information on the AVSN from Samtani, add new information, and offer new emendations to some of the important passages of the text. Manuscripts Samtani utilized three manuscripts: 2) Ms, G, and N. I will give a brief overview of these manuscripts as described in Samtani (1971, 17ff.) in "." Ms is the oldest and most basic manuscript that Samtani utilized, "found at Ngor Monastery in Tibet like the Ms. of the Sūtra" (= AVS, the author). G, on the other hand, has three versions, G, G 1 , and G 2 , which are different photos of the same manuscript. Of these, G is a photo taken by Tucci, and G 1 and G 2 are photos taken by Sankrityayana. All three lack some folios. According to Samtani, for G, instead of the first five pages of the AVSN, "we have pages from the Sūtra (folios 1, 2, 3)." "[F]olios nos. 13, 25 and 26 are missing." "For folios nos. 25 and 26, one folio of some other Tāntric text has crept into the text." G 1 "contains obverse sides of folios no. 2, 3, and 13 which are wanting in G and G 2 ." In addition, "G 1 is lacking in folios 1, reverse side of folios 2 and 3, 4 to 12, reverse side of 13, and 17 to 21." "G 2 does not contain folios 1 to 16." "Both G 1 and G 2 like G have also one folio from a Tāntric text." 3) (83) On the Sanskrit Manuscripts of Arthaviniścayasūtranibandhana (HoriucHi)
doi:10.4259/ibk.69.3_1060 fatcat:ccpa2fwyvvbtxor5y2psrztun4