A critical review on toxicity of cobalt and its bioremediation strategies

Sonia Mahey, Rakesh Kumar, Manik Sharma, Vinod Kumar, Renu Bhardwaj
2020 SN Applied Sciences  
Accumulation of heavy metals especially cobalt (Co) in agricultural fields and water bodies due to natural as well as anthropogenic factors is major concern. Although it is an important constituent of vitamin B 12 , yet its higher exposure produces significant ramifications in crop plants. It affects biomass and concomitantly reduces crop yield that in turn causes substantial financial loss to farmers. To counter this heavy metal toxicity, the plants have devised mechanisms either to detoxify
more » ... accumulate the contaminants. Further, there are various bioremediation strategies that can be used to get rid of Co from the given medium. Phytostabilisation, phytoextraction, rhizofiltration are some of the techniques used worldwide to reduce cobalt in the fields. This review emphasis upon the uptake, transportation, accumulation of cobalt in plants and discusses the remedial strategies available presently to effectively remove it from mediums like soil and water bodies.
doi:10.1007/s42452-020-3020-9 fatcat:cztowmkev5etdbut3jfgatxv24