Zernike expansion of derivatives and Laplacians of the Zernike circle polynomials

A. J. E. M. Janssen
2014 Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision  
The partial derivatives and Laplacians of the Zernike circle polynomials occur in various places in the literature on computational optics. In a number of cases, the expansion of these derivatives and Laplacians in the circle polynomials are required. For the first-order partial derivatives, analytic results are scattered in the literature, starting as early as 1942 in Nijboer's thesis and continuing until present day, with some emphasis on recursive computation schemes. A brief historic
more » ... of these results is given in the present paper. By choosing the unnormalized version of the circle polynomials, with exponential rather than trigonometric azimuthal dependence, and by a proper combination of the two partial derivatives, a concise form of the series expressions emerges. This form is appropriate for the formulation and solution of a model wave-front sensing problem of reconstructing a wave-front on the level of its expansion coefficients from (measurements of the expansion coefficients of) the partial derivatives. It turns out that the least-squares estimation problem arising here decouples per azimuthal order m, and per m the generalized inverse solution assumes a concise analytic form, thereby avoiding SVD-decompositions. The preferred version of the circle polynomials, with proper combination of the partial derivatives, also leads to a concise analytic result for the Zernike expansion of the Laplacian of the circle polynomials. From these expansions, the properties of the Laplacian as a mapping from the space of circle polynomials of maximal degree N, as required in the study of the Neumann problem associated with the Transport-of-Intensity equation, can be read off within a single glance. Furthermore, the inverse of the Laplacian on this space is shown to have a concise analytic form.
doi:10.1364/josaa.31.001604 pmid:25121449 fatcat:b6v4lwa7hfh37irbas3754h2le