Five Cardinal Questions on Administrative Psychiatry

J. Mundy
1861 Journal of Mental Science  
We have in two previously published papers† promised to discuss the following questions, and now attempt to fulfil the promise in the following pages. The questions are: 1. What false ideas are still prevalent among the public at large in relation to lunatic asylums and their superintendents and psychological physicians in general? 2. Are the mode and description of state supervision and control, as exercised over asylums, sufficient and satisfactory? 3. To what persons, and under what
more » ... s, shall the privilege be exclusively conceded to establish, superintend, and carry on establishments for the insane? 4. Ought lunatic asylums to be entrusted to religious corporations? 5. May not families of position and competency be lawfully permitted to retain the charge and management of their mentally afflicted relatives, under the "patronal or family régime"?
doi:10.1192/bjp.7.39.343 fatcat:4yz4uq3lfrf35evamf2vx5obl4