Evaluation of Void Distribution of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Micro CT Scanner
CT Scanner를 이용한 아스팔트 혼합물의 공극특성 평가

Kwang-Ho Shin, Seong-Kyum Kim, Kwan-Ho Lee
2012 Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation  
The void of asphalt pavement effects very much on the performance of asphalt pavement, including permanent deformation. In recent, lots of multi-functional hot mix asphalt have been developed. The multi-functional properties depend on the void characteristic of hot mix asphalt. In this research, the Micro CT scanner is adopted to verify the void characteristic of hot mix asphalt. Couple of different mixtures, including permeable asphalt pavement, SMA and dense-graded asphalt mixture, were used
more » ... or void analysis. In case of PA-13 permeable asphalt pavement and SMA 10mm, the effective void, total void and the ratio of connection between void increase as the level of compaction decreases. There is a little difference of the effective void, total void and the ratio of connection for 50 blows/side and 75 blows/side of compaction. In case of dense-graded asphalt mixture, there is a small amount of void, but most of void is isolated, which means little effect on the permeability of asphalt mixtures. Judging from the limited test results, a Micro CT scanner will be an alternative to analyze the void properties of asphalt mixtures. The correlation of unconfined compressive test and impact resonant test was relatively good.
doi:10.9798/kosham.2012.12.3.169 fatcat:4s2twsprprawbiu5qvvw5gwhfu