Control de Euphorbia dentata con diferentes formulaciones de glifosato en soja transgenica resistente a glifosato

Víctor F. Juan, Horacio María Saint-André, Ricardo R. Fernández, Juan Bazzano, Martín Videla
2002 Revista Brasileira de Herbicidas  
Control of Euphorbia dentata with different formulations of glyphosate in transgenic soybean resistant to glyphosate Euphorbia dentata is a highly competitive and difficult to control weed in soybean crops in the central are a of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Development of transgenic soybean resistant to glyphosate (GR) allows exploration of new techniques of chemical weed control, mainly where the herbicides traditionalJy used are inefficient. The objetive of this . research was to
more » ... e the effectiveness of Euphorbia dentata control with different formulations of glyphosate in soybean GR. The trial was carried out in Azul district, province of Buenos Aires, during the 99/00 and 0010 I agricultural seasons using soybean cv. AX 4100 GR and with an infestation of E. dentata of 135 pl/m" The treatments consisted in the application Revista Brasileira de Herbicidas, v.3, n.l, 2002.
doi:10.7824/rbh.v3i1.368 fatcat:fcjohchi2fdmraiymothh4df3y