Asthma in the Disadvantaged: A Phenotype in Need of a Personalized, Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapy [chapter]

Drew A. Harris, Caitlin Welch, Morgan Soper, Yun Michael Shim
2018 Asthma Diagnosis and Management - Approach Based on Phenotype and Endotype  
Most patients with asthma can be managed with standardized, traditional therapies; however, 5-10% of patients suffer from disease that is difficult to control. Uncontrolled asthma disproportionally affects low income and racial minority patients. The disadvantaged asthma phenotype is defined by the presence of overlapping social, economic and environmental factors. These factors, such as environmental exposures in substandard housing or suboptimal adherence to controller therapy due to impaired
more » ... health literacy are challenging to address in the clinic or inpatient setting. Personalized management of the disadvantaged asthma phenotype must target these interconnected factors through a multidisciplinary approach that includes longitudinal collaboration with communitybased organizations, social workers and legal aid.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.74530 fatcat:cbjorvt36zcyxoy47nismocp5u